Physical therapy is an incredibly complex and rewarding field that involves a careful blend of science and art to improve every patient's physical well-being and functionality outcomes.
It’s an exciting thought to know there are healthcare providers dedicating their lives to using both sides of their brain to reach creative, scientific solutions for their community’s health.
As physical therapists, it’s part of the job description to leverage our hands and brains to come up with innovative solutions to help our patients achieve optimal health and function. Just like a painter, sculptor or musician, we use our hands to mold and manipulate to deliver an improved final product – in this case, a healthy, pain-free body for our patients.
The Science of Physical Therapy
The science of physical therapy is rooted in the study of human anatomy, biomechanics and kinesiology. Physical therapists use this scientific knowledge to identify and treat physical impairments, such as injuries, illnesses and chronic pain conditions. We then develop personalized treatment plans that address the root causes of these impairments and promote healing. And that’s where the artistic expression comes in!
The Art of Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is much more than just science. It also requires a significant amount of art. No two physical therapists do the same thing. Every patient is unique, with their own set of physical impairments and limitations. Physical therapists must use their experience, creativity and expertise to come up with tailored treatment plans that address each patient's specific needs.
Physical Therapy with Creative, Hands-On Treatment Plans
Physical therapists use their hands to deliver a significant amount of their treatment. Through the use of manual therapy, physical therapists manipulate soft tissue, mobilize joints and improve range of motion. Their hands identify areas of pain, tension or weakness and then get creative to develop treatment plans that target those areas.
In addition to manual therapy, our physical therapists and occupational therapists use a variety of other hands-on techniques to help patients achieve optimal health and body function. These techniques include massage, stretching, exercise and active release technique among others. Physical therapists must be skilled and certified in using their hands to deliver these techniques in a way that is effective and safe for their patients.
Physical Therapy with Innovative, Outside-the-Box Thinking
Physical therapists also use their brains to come up with creative solutions to common (and uncommon) impairments and conditions. We must be able to think outside the box to produce innovative treatment plans that address each patient's unique needs and goals. This requires a significant amount of critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills to determine what is the best way to get a patient's body in optimal condition.
We use a deep knowledge of human anatomy and biomechanics to develop treatment plans that promote healing and improve overall body function. With each session, physical therapists work to achieve success by using a combination of science, art and experience.
Physical Therapy is Equal Parts Art and Science
Physical therapy is an incredibly complex field that requires a significant amount of skill and expertise, but returns a powerful, rewarding feeling when we combine science and art through our hands and brains to deliver a creative solution that improves a patient’s wellness.
As physical therapists, we are proud to use our artistic expression of care and scientific knowledge of the human body to help you reach your wellness and functionality goals! Don’t hesitate to visit Park North for a free screening to see if we can help you reach your potential!