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How Physical Therapy in Upper Manhattan Can Treat TMJ Pain 

Did you know that your jaw, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ), functions similarly to other joints in your body? 

Just like your elbows or knees, your TMJ is where two bones come together, controlled by muscles to enable movement. And, just like these other joints, your TMJ is susceptible to joint pain and muscle strain. 

When the TMJ isn’t functioning properly, it can lead to a host of uncomfortable symptoms. These might include jaw pain, headaches, clicking or popping sounds when you move your jaw, difficulty opening your mouth wide, or even your jaw shifting to one side as you do so. Chewing might become painful, or you might find it hard to enjoy your favorite New York bagel. 

>> Book an appointment with our Upper Manhattan TMJ Physical Therapist

What Causes TMJ Issues? 

Several factors can contribute to TMJ dysfunction. For instance, prolonged dental or orthodontic procedures can strain the joint, as can habits like chewing predominantly on one side of your mouth. 

Stress plays a significant role as well, often leading to clenching or grinding of the teeth, which puts additional pressure on the TMJ. Even something as simple as yawning too wide can overstretch the joint, leading to pain.

Sometimes, you might just be predisposed to TMJ issues due to the shape and alignment of your jaw. 

How Can Physical Therapy in Upper Manhattan Help TMJ Pain? 

The good news is that TMJ pain is often highly treatable with physical therapy. Our TMJ physical therapist focuses on addressing the underlying causes of your symptoms through a combination of exercises, manual therapy, and behavior modification. 

For example: 

  • Exercises: We can guide you through exercises designed to improve the range of motion in your jaw and normalize the muscle tissues that support it. 
  • Manual Therapy: If your jaw muscles are tight or knotted, we can perform muscle releases, both externally and intra-orally, to relieve tension and pain. 
  • Behavior Modification: If you tend to clench your jaw or have other habits that exacerbate your symptoms, we can work together to develop strategies for keeping your jaw relaxed and your symptoms at bay. 

What to Expect from TMJ Physical Therapy in Upper Manhattan

If you choose to pursue physical therapy for your TMJ, the first step is a thorough evaluation. Our TMJ specialist will assess your range of motion—how wide can you open your mouth, and does your jaw move symmetrically? 

We’ll also palpate your muscles to identify any trigger points that may be contributing to your pain. This can involve both external and intra-oral examination, depending on your symptoms. 

Finally, we’ll discuss your daily habits—do you often prop your jaw on your hand, or do you chew the inside of your mouth. find These behaviors might seem harmless but can have a big impact on your TMJ health. 

Do You Have TMJ Issues? Take This Quick Symptom Check!

If you’re experiencing discomfort in your jaw, you might be dealing with TMJ issues. If you answer yes to 3 or more of the following questions, you may benefit from physical therapy.

  1. I have pain in my jaw or temples.
  2. I have trouble opening my mouth wide.
  3. My jaw sometimes clicks, pops, or locks.
  4. I can’t bring my back teeth together.
  5. When I open my mouth, my jaw shifts to one side.

Contact Park North Physical Therapy for TMJ Treatment

TMJ dysfunction can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent part of your life. With the right approach, physical therapy can help you manage your symptoms, improve your jaw function, and get back to enjoying life pain-free. 

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms we’ve discussed, consider reaching out to our team at Park North Physical Therapy in Harlem or Park North Physical Therapy in Morningside Heights for an evaluation. We’re here to help you every step of the way.