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Sciatica Pain Physical Therapy Treatment

Sciatica treatment at Park North

Understanding Sciatica: Symptoms and Impact

Sciatica is a common lower back affliction that can cause radiating pain in the back, hips, buttocks, and legs. The severity of the pain depends on the severity of the condition, but it isn’t always straightforward.

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Sciatica Relief

Thankfully, sciatica pain physical therapy techniques can help reduce this discomfort. Getting physical therapy in Morningside Heights, New York or Harlem, New York, from Park North Physical Therapy is a great start in minimizing your sciatica pain. Our physical therapists have years of experience in diagnosing and treating sciatica pain, and we’d love to help you improve your quality of life.

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Sciatica relief at Park North

How Does Sciatica Develop?

Sciatica refers to inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is in the lower spine. It's the body's longest nerve, extending from the lower back to both feet. That’s why many people in New York City describe feeling sciatic pain radiating in their backs or shooting down into buttocks, hips, thighs, calves, or feet on one side.


Herniated Disc

A back injury could cause a spinal disc to bulge from its position between two vertebrae, pinching the sciatic nerve.


Bone Spur

Boney spinal overgrowths may irritate the sciatic nerve in your back.


Piriformis Syndrome

The pencil-shaped piriformis muscle over the sciatic nerve may experience muscle inflammation. If so, it tightens around the nerve, causing pain and discomfort. 


Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition involving the narrowing of the spinal canal, which houses the spinal cord and can put pressure on the sciatic nerve.


A burning sensation, tingling, and muscle weakness are common sciatica symptoms.


The Importance and Purpose of Exercise for Sciatica

Some mild or moderate cases of sciatica can heal over time without medical intervention. Rest, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine, and time may contribute to this natural healing. However, most other people will need help from Park North Physical Therapy in Upper Manhattan for a chance at relief. 

Rest can help with sciatica
Targeted sciatica treatment at Park North

Targeted Exercises for Back and Leg Pain from Sciatica

Sciatica pain physical therapy methods offer a medical intervention without resorting to prescription medication or surgical treatment for back and leg pain from sciatica. For example, targeted exercises from our physical therapist with at-home activities can alleviate your pain by addressing the underlying cause. 

Sciatica pain physical therapy methods offer a medical intervention without resorting to prescription medication or surgical treatment for back and leg pain from sciatica. For example, targeted exercises from our physical therapist with at-home activities can alleviate your pain by addressing the underlying cause. 

Common Physical Therapy Treatments and Exercises for Sciatica

Our Park North Physical Therapy specialists also use multiple passive treatment methods for sciatica. Your treatment will depend on the scope, location, and severity of your nerve pain but may include the following:

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Massage Therapy
Deep tissue massages loosen tight muscles, bringing relief to a pinched sciatic nerve.
Hot and Cold Therapy
Alternating heat and ice promotes healing by increasing your blood circulation around the injury site. It soothes sore muscles, as well.
Ultrasound Therapy
Our physical therapists also aim to relax your tight muscles and alleviate pain by using sound waves.

Exercise for Sciatica Relief

Typically, targeted exercises partner with passive treatments to minimize or eliminate sciatica symptoms. For example, we might recommend the extension and flexion back exercise, which brings pain relief through directional spine movements. If our healthcare professional thinks this sciatica pain physical therapy exercise will benefit you, they'll tailor your forward and backward bending motions to your directional preferences and physical limitations.

Core Strengthening Exercises

The team may also utilize strengthening exercises using body weight and restraints. For instance, the leg raise is a popular isometric core-strengthening exercise. It builds strength without moving joints, which is ideal for acute sciatica pain sufferers.

Isometric Exercise Basics

With isometric exercise, you might bend one leg at the knee, slowly raising and lowering the other leg without bending that knee. After several repetitions, you would repeat with the other leg.


Explore Physical Sciatica Treatments With Our Park North Physical Therapy Experts

So, now you’re aware that sciatica pain physical therapy is one of the specialties at Park North Physical Therapy, a goal-oriented medical facility. Here, you’ll have individualized treatments to accommodate various needs with the benefits of physical therapy.

Let our innovative, hands-on treatments put you on a path to wellness without severe chronic pain—call (212) 222-6525 today for an appointment with the Park North Physical Therapy physical therapists in Morningside Heights, New York or Harlem, New York.